Leander and Cedar Park residents can enjoy free cookie cakes this week, along with a number of other activities. 1. Gov. Abbott vetoed 50 bills last week Last Thursday, Gov. Greg Abbott broke out his veto stamp to nix a total of 50 bills, more than he did in the last legislative session, and more than any governor has done since former Gov. Rick Perry, who vetoed 56 bills in 2007. Learn more here. 2. Leander Chamber members learn about Facebook on Tuesday Leander Chamber of Commerce’s monthly membership lunch event focuses on how business owners can use Facebook to attract customers. 11:30 a.m. $12-15. Hill Country Bible Church, 11880 Old FM 2243, Leander. 512-259-1907. www.leandercc.org 3. Volente City Council meets Tuesday Volente City Council members meet for their regular meeting. Village of Volente City Hall, 16100 Warf Cove, Volente. 512-250-2075. www.villageofvolente-tx.gov 4. Great American Cookies gives out free cookie cakes Thursday To celebrate the occasion, the franchise chain in Lakeline Mall will give free cookie cakes to the first 40 customers at each participating store as well as sell up to a dozen 40-cent cookies to each customer. 10 a.m. Various prices. 11200 Lakeline Mall Drive, Cedar Park. 512-219-9101. www.greatamericancookies.com 5. Cedar Park City Council meets Thursday The City Council members meet for their regular meeting. 6 p.m. Free. Cedar Park City Hall Council Chambers, 450 Cypress Creek Road, Bldg. 4, Cedar Park. 512-401-5000. www.cedarparktexas.gov