Neighborhood data
- Median home value: $384,950
- Homes on the market as of 5/1/20: 20
- Homes under contract as of 5/1/20: 10
- Median annual property taxes: $9,378
- Median price per square foot: 127,92
- Average days on the market as of 5/1/20: 65
- Build-out year: 1998
- Square footage: 1,951-4,298
- Home values: $235,000-$529,000
- HOA dues (estimated): $1,115 annually
- Schools: Nottingham Country Elementary, Pattison Elementary, Memorial Parkway Junior High, McMeans Junior High and Taylor High schools in Katy ISD
- Katy ISD: 1.4431
- Harris County: 0.4071
- Harris Co. Flood Control District: 0.0279
- Port of Houston Authority•: 0.0107
- Harris Co. Education Dept.: 0.0050
- Green Trails MUD: 0.2150
- Harris County ESD 48: 0.1000
- Total (per $100 valuation): 2.3748
Green Trails has six parks and a trail system, according to the Green Trails Homeowners Association:
- Gerri Ayers Recreation Center, which has a pool and tennis courts
- Park Cypress Recreation Center, which has a pool and tennis courts
- Desert Ivy Park, which has a splash pad
- Crescent Green Park
- Crescent Green Pocket Park
- Wisdom Woods Park