The gist
City of Hutto water customers, including residential, industrial, commercial and institutional properties, will be limited to two days a week of watering outdoors, according to a news release.
Outdoor watering, which is defined as the use of any automatic irrigation system or hose-end sprinkler, can only occur before 10 a.m. and after 8 p.m. on designated watering days during the Stage 2 restrictions. The conservation efforts also apply to filling swimming pools and washing vehicles on a property’s designated watering dates.
The city’s designated watering days for properties are as follows:
- Residential homes with even-numbered addresses: Sundays and Thursdays
- Residential homes with odd-numbered addresses: Saturdays and Tuesdays
- Industrial, commercial and institutional customers: Mondays and Fridays
In addition to outdoor watering, restaurants may not serve water unless requested by patrons, while fountains and other aesthetic water features may not be operated.
Customers are also not allowed to use water to wash buildings, driveways, sidewalks, gutters and hard-surface areas.
One more thing
During the city’s Stage 2 efforts, customers may still use hand-held hoses, faucet-filled buckets or drip irrigation systems to outdoor water at any time and any day. Private well-water users are exempt from the restrictions.
The Hutto area includes three water providers, including the city of Hutto, Manville Water Supply Corp. and Jonah Specialty Utility District, each of which enforce their own water restriction stages. Residents can determine their provider by visiting this interactive map.
This is the third year the city of Hutto has implemented water restrictions as area officials have worked to improve conservation efforts and secure future water resources.