The new owners are Kristen and Cornell Coulon, who recently purchased the center from a previous owner. The husband-and-wife duo held the celebration to showcase the center and introduce the new curriculum changes.
"When we were going around in New Braunfels, kind of getting prepared to take over the center, talking to people around the area, people didn't really know about Code Ninjas in New Braunfels. So we wanted to get the message out that we were there, we're an option for parents who care about their kids' STEM education and giving them opportunities to be able to learn stuff that helps them in the future economy," Kristen Coulon said.
Code Ninjas New Braunfels offers a variety of STEM camps in the summer like robotics, stop-motion animation, 3-D printing and Minecraft camps. The main program they offer is a coding membership program where kids learn how to code by learning video games with a belt progression from white belt to black belt. As students go through the program, the coding language and concepts grow progressively more difficult.
Kristen Coulon emphasized that they wanted to create a place where kids feel like they belong while learning higher-level thinking.
"We want to be a welcoming place because a lot of the kids that come to our centers, they don't really fit in at school; they're not into athletics; they like video games. They feel welcome where we are," Kristen Coulon said.