What you need to know
Headwaters at the Comal is the utility company’s legacy project. The public-private partnership showcases green infrastructure, protection of the Comal River and significant historical elements associated with the Comal Springs and Edwards Aquifer, said Reagan Peña, director of enterprise communications, in an email to Community Impact.
The lot will be located across the street from Klingemann Street, according to a filing with the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. The lot has served as a storage yard for the past 20 years and is part of the Headwaters at the Comal Master Plan—which looks to improve the empty lot and provide green space and parking for visitors and staff at the new Center at the Headwaters, Peña said.
More details
The scope of the project includes cleaning the 3-acre site; removing the existing asphalt; and installing rain gardens, native plants, trees and impervious pavers. Using green infrastructure, the site will also treat stormwater before it flows into Blieders Creek and the beginning of the Comal River, Peña said.
The new lot—which costs approximately $1.1 million—is being funded between NBU, the Headwaters nonprofit donors and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality 319 Water Improvement grant.
Looking ahead
Construction will begin as soon as the permit is awarded. Peña said the parking lot should be completed by October.