Despite spraying for mosquitoes earlier this month, the city of Plano confirmed at least four mosquitos have tested positive for the virus in four of its traps throughout the city. The city plans to spray for mosquitos in the areas at 9 p.m. Thursday, city spokesperson Steve Stoler said in a statement. The city will be spraying the areas near the K Avenue and 10th Street intersection, Huffman Elementary School and Harrington Elementary School. The results from the four traps are the highest instances of mosquitos testing positive for West Nile this season, Stoler said. The city had previously reported the first human case of West Nile this year on June 30. The city asks residents to keep children and pets indoors during the spraying. Residents can also take precautionary measures to lower the number of mosquitos in their neighborhoods, such as draining standing pools of water and using insect repellent containing DEET.