Klein ISD Board The Klein ISD board of trustees met for its regular meeting on Monday at 7 p.m. in the board room at 7200 Spring Cypress Road.[/caption] The Klein ISD board of trustees met Monday in the board room at 7200 Spring Cypress Road, Spring. Here are three highlights from the monthly meeting:
  1. The board unanimously approved the resignation of board secretary Steven Smith. Smith has served on the board since 2011 and is stepping down to move closer to his family in Dallas. Smith received a plaque acknowledging his years of service on the board. “I thoroughly enjoyed being on the board and being a part of Klein ISD,” Smith said. “[We did] not always agree on issues, but we hammered them out.”
  2. The board unanimously approved naming the softball field at Klein Oak High School after Jav Vela, the softball coach at Klein Oak from 1994 until 2015. During this time Vela’s team made it to the playoffs 15 times, reached the regional finals four times and won the state championship in 1998.
  3. The board approved proposed modifications to the 2017-18 student handbooks, but not without some disagreements over facial hair standards. The handbook proposed allows students to come to school with facial hair that is neatly groomed, not distracting and no longer than half an inch. Board member Steve Szymczak motioned to remove this item from the handbook and instead proposed banning student facial hair—expect for medical or religious reasons. Szymczak's motion was defeated 6-1 and the original modifications were retained.
The next board meeting will take place on July 10, at 7 p.m. in the board room at 7200 Spring Cypress Road, Spring.