The Woodlands Township board of directors will meet at 6 p.m. Thursday at 2801 Technology Forest Blvd. To view the entire agenda, click here.
  1. The township board will discuss again the potential appointment of a director to serve on The Woodlands Road Utility District No. 1. The WRUD is a special-purpose district created in 1991 to construct and fund major thoroughfares and collector streets in The Woodlands. Earlier this year, the township board chose not to appoint a representative to the WRUD board to fill the township’s unexpired term. Any appointee selected during Thursday’s meeting would serve on the WRUD board from May 2017 through May 2019.
  2. Representatives from the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office will present information regarding a plan for law-enforcement services throughout the county during Thursday’s meeting. Sheriff Rand Henderson took office in January. The sheriff’s office will also present a quarterly report and update on law-enforcement issues in the township, including the number and type of crimes reported in the community to date in 2017.
  3. The township board will also hear a presentation from Waste Management representatives regarding the potential enhancement of environmental education in the community. The township’s contract with Waste Management for waste-collection and recycling services also includes an educational component, former projects from which have included direct-mail educational pieces, a nature lecture series and reduced prices for compost bins for residents who attended compost classes.