On Monday night Superintendent David Faltys presented a timeline for Carroll ISD to become a district of innovation.

The district of innovation, or DOI, concept gives independent school districts most of the flexibility available to Texas’ open-enrollment charter schools. Some of that flexibility includes being able to choose the first day of class, minutes of instruction per day, class-size ratios, and teacher certification and experience.

If the timeline is followed, CISD would become a district of innovation beginning the 2018-19 school year. The term of the designation as a DOI may not exceed five years, according to the Texas Education Agency. In February, neighboring district Grapevine-Colleyville ISD passed a DOI plan.

Here is the timeline presented at the April 17 meeting:

  • May 1: resolution and public meeting
  • May 2-31: committee development process
  • June-July: legal policy review and determination of potential components
  • September: first committee meeting (open to the public)
  • Sept. 4-29: subcommittee meetings
  • Oct. 3: committee meeting to review/vote on recommendations
  • Oct. 4: DOI plan posted for 30 days
  • Nov. 6: plan presented to board for adoption and any necessary policy changes drafted
  • Nov. 7: DOI plan sent to Texas Association of School Boards