Leander was awarded a $400,000 grant from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in May for Lakewood Community Park.[/caption]
Leander City Council will address several items during its meeting tonight. Here are some highlights from the agenda:
Item No. 3 - Update on Lakewood Community Park
City Council will hear an update on Lakewood Community Park, which is scheduled to be built by the Cold Springs and Hazelwood subdivisions. The city recently presented a new park plan, which city officials say will allow it to use a $400,000 grant from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department before the grant expires. The new plan could shift the primary entrance to the park into the Cold Springs neighborhood temporarily, among other changes. Leander residents expressed frustration with the new plan during a public information workshop hosted by the city Oct. 27. At the close of the meeting, City Manager Kent Cagle said he would explore other options and try to find out more information about the grant.
Item No. 16 - Consider Old Town Business Grant to Ponyfoot Public House
Leander City Council created the Old Town business grant program in January to help support businesses locating or expanding within the Old Town area in Leander, which is within the transit-oriented development district, or TOD. Council will consider a $75,000 grant to the Ponyfoot Public House, a brewpub to be located at 216 N. Gabriel Street.
Item No. 17 - Consider increase in job services and pay for Old 2243 engineer
Council approved amendments in 2013, 2014 and 2015 to the compensation amount for HDR Engineering, Inc., which is constructing roadway improvements to Old 2243 West from US 183 to Lakeline Boulevard. This amendment would add additional services to the engineer’s job and increase the company’s compensation by $48,260 for a total contract amount of $1.7 million.