1. 9391 Grogan’s Mill Road
6,690 sq. ft., $14/sq.ft. nnn* Agent: Brandon Brooks 281-248-8063 Agency: Lincoln Property Company
2. 9400 Grogan’s Mill Road
1,347, 4,500, 5,014 and 1,906 sq. ft., N/A Agent: Jeff Beard 281-367-2220, ext. 102 Agency: J. Beard Real Estate Company
3. 1725 Hughes Landing Blvd.
Six floors, 27,520 sq. ft. each, N/A Agent: Norman V. Munoz 713-830-2136 Agency: Colliers International
4. 1780 Hughes Landing Blvd.
19,720-27,370 sq. ft. N/A Agent: Norman V. Munoz 713-830-2136 Agency: Colliers Internationa
5. 1201 Lake Woodlands Drive
3,000-8,000 sq. ft., $24/sq. ft. nnn* Agent: Kevin Barr 281-892-1041 Agency: Mohr Partners Inc
6. 8401 New Trails Drive
10,000-20,963 sq. ft., $22/sq. ft. Agent: Joel Dalak 713-974-5226, ext. 7139 Agency: TIG Real Estate Services Inc.
7. 2700 Research Forest Drive
12,928 and 13,703 sq. ft., $22/sq. ft. nnn* Agent: Joel Dalak 713-974-5226, ext. 7139 Agency: TIG Real Estate Services Inc.
8. 2829 Technology Forest Blvd.
18,157 sq. ft., $27/sq.ft. nnn* Agent: Sean Quinn 832-813-7373 Agency: Black Forest Ventures LLC
Featured listings are randomly selected. If you are a real estate agent, builder or property owner and would like to have your commercial properties listed in our real estate section at no cost, please send property information and photo to [email protected]. All listings will be considered for publication in one or more editions of Community Impact Newspaper.