Traffic calming project

-Virginia and Louisiana Street Traffic Calming

The city is making intersection improvements along Virginia and Louisiana streets between Graves and College streets to calm traffic flow along Virginia and Louisiana. Improvements include pedestrian ramps and crosswalks along Virginia and Louisiana at Graves, Waddill, Bradley and College streets at a total of eight intersections. Pavement markings and street signs will also be modified.

Timeline: June-September Cost: $230,000 Funding sources: city of McKinney

-US 380 Access Management Study

Through an ongoing study the city is establishing a plan for future traffic signals, median openings and modifications, and driveways along US 380 from Coit Road to Hardin Boulevard. City officials said they are conducting the study to assist development in the area by providing clear, consistent policies about what access will be possible along US 380 under Texas Department of Transportation and city standards.

Timeline: Fall 2014-June 2015

-US 75 expansion

This TxDOT project will widen US 75 to four main lanes and three frontage road lanes in each direction from SH 121 to White Avenue. TxDOT is working on the southbound main lanes between Eldorado Parkway and Wilson Creek. Construction is scheduled to be complete in December. From Wilmeth to Telephone roads, TxDOT is widening US 75 to four main lanes in each direction and two frontage lanes each direction. Crews are working on the northbound main lanes and all main lane bridges from Wilmeth to Telephone.

Timeline: January 2012-December 2015 Cost: $106.5 million Funding sources: Regional toll revenue, Proposition 12 funds