Preston Vineyards
Build-out year: 2014
Average square footage: 1,970
Average home value per square foot: $98.46
HOA dues: None
Amenities: Walking trails
Property taxes (in dollars):
Collin County: 0.24
Collin College: 0.086299
Frisco 0.46191
Frisco ISD 1.46
Total (per $100 value)2.248209
Homes on the market (As of April 25, 2014)
No. of homes for sale: 4
No. of homes under contract: 8
Average days on the market: 20
Square footage (low/high): 1,319 / 3,079
Selling price (low/high): $140,900 / $262,000
Annual home sales (April 2013–April 25, 2014)
No. of homes sold: 69
Square footage (low/high): 1,319 / 3,079
Selling price (low/high): $140,900 / $262,000