Featured Neighborhood
Cascades at Timarron, Colleyville
Build-out year: 2004
Number of homes (estimated): 145
Average square footage: 5,082
Home values: $122–$151 per square foot
HOA dues (estimated): $900 per year
Amenities: Gated neighborhood entrance, Timarron Country Club, private lake, fitness center, community clubhouse, greenbelt, jogging/bike path, playground, tennis courts
Nearby attractions: Southlake Town Center, Gaylord Texan Hotel & Convention Center, Lake Grapevine, historic downtown Grapevine
Property taxes (in dollars):
- City of Colleyville 0.3559
- Tarrant County 0.2640
- Tarrant County College 0.1490
- Tarrant County Hospital 0.2279
- Grapevine-Colleyville ISD 1.3201
- Total (per $100 of value) 2.3169
Data provided by Tim Hayes
RE/MAX on Main, 817-239-7255, [email protected]