The West Lake Hills' appointed subcommittee, formed Feb. 22 to investigate the city's history of multifamily use, said the committee found no reason to believe past councils had meant to do away entirely of multifamily zoning within West Lake Hills.

"If the city wanted to do away with multifamily, they'd have done so by now," Councilman Stan Graham said.

After the committee's presentation of their findings, the council discontinued their efforts to rezone all R2 multifamily to R1 single-family residential zoning.

Council instead instructed staff to make recommendations at the next council meeting April 11 for building code changes to R2 multifamily residential that would be more similar to the restrictions of single-family residential.

Whether the council plans to bring rezoning of Reveille Road back on the agenda was not determined.

A moratorium on building permits for multifamily residential areas has been extended through April.