A municipal utility district, created by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, functions as an independent limited government entity. According to the Texas Water Code, MUDs are authorized to build and maintain infrastructure necessary to supply water, collect waste, control stormwater, irrigate land, modify land elevation and provide recreational facilities within the district. MUDs often levy a property tax to fund infrastructure for new developments not yet serviced by existing infrastructure.
Residents in Montgomery County Voting Precinct 18 will see an election to create the Magnolia East Municipal Utility District—slated for the southeast corner of FM 1488 at FM 149 in Magnolia—on their ballots this November. The ballot asks voters to consider the creation of the MUD, the election of a five-person board of directors, a maximum tax rate of $1.50 per $100 valuation and the issuance of bonds totaling more than $218 million for district improvements.
As early voting begins Oct. 23, follow
communityimpact.com/vote for more election coverage.