Lakewood Grove  is located near Hwy. 249 and Spring Cypress Road in Tomball. Homebuilders in the community include Village Builders, David Power Homes and DreamTech Homes.

Square footage: 1,880-4,650 Home values: $184,000-$450,000 HOA dues (estimated): $515 annually Community amenities: swimming pool, park areas, clubhouse, walking trails, tennis courts, catch and release fishing pond Schools: Tomball ISD

Property taxes (in dollars):

Tomball ISD - 1.34000 Harris County - 0.41923 Harris County Flood Control District - 0.02733 Port of Houston - 0.01342 Harris County Hospital District - 0.17000 Harris County Dept. of Education - 0.00542 Lone Star College - 0.10790 Harris County ESD No. 11 - 0.04185 Harris County ESD No.13 - 0.08826 Malcomson Road Utility District - 0.44000 Total (per $100 valuation) - 2.65341

Featured Neighborhood: Lakewood Grove

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