Tomabll | Magnolia Editor[/caption] Hurricane Harvey brought heavy rains and widespread flooding to the Tomball and Magnolia areas in late August, halting the school year, delaying construction projects and damaging property. Although the first day of school was delayed for Magnolia ISD and Tomball ISD canceled classes beginning Aug. 25, both districts reopened Sept. 5. The Texas Education Code requires districts to provide at least 75,600 minutes of instruction in order to receive the full amount of state funding. However, Commissioner of Education Mike Morath authorized districts within Gov. Greg Abbott’s 58-county disaster declaration—all schools in Harris and Montgomery counties included—to submit missed school day waivers for the duration of the storm. As a result, MISD and TISD students will not have to make up those days missed between Aug. 25 and Sept. 1. As waters recede and cleanup efforts begin, consider helping with flood relief in the community. Check out our Hurricane Harvey coverage, and follow communityimpact.com/tom for additional content as our communities begin to recover.