The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion recently put a new policy in place that prohibits handbags beyond a certain size from entering the venue on any person.

During former concert seasons, no bags or purses larger than 8.5-by-11 inches were allowed inside the venue for certain shows. However, the new policy states that no bags or purses larger than 8.5-by-11 inches will be allowed in the venue during any show, said Ashley Gravois, the pavilion’s public relations and educational outreach manager.

“This is a policy that, in the past, has been in effect for certain shows which required [or] requested special restrictions,” Gravois said. “We have now made this policy required for all shows.”

The pavilion also prohibits all backpack-type bags from entering the venue’s premises, Gravois said.

Food packed for picnics during performing arts shows must be in its original containers or packaging, and any homemade food must fit within an 8.5-by-11 inch bag. Personal food is still allowed inside the pavilion during contemporary concerts. However, show-goers must limit the amount of food to a single 1-gallon Ziploc bag per person, Gravois said.

Additionally, all bags are still subject to search upon entry. To view all rules and regulations in place at the pavilion, click here.