Interfaith of The Woodlands named six residents, one nonprofit and one business as the 2018 inductees into the Hometown Hero Hall of Fame on Aug. 8.

Since 1999, Interfaith of The Woodlands has honored residents, businesses and institutions as well as nonprofit organizations that serve as outstanding role models for volunteerism and dedication to The Woodlands community. Each class is inducted into the Hometown Hero Hall of Fame and is honored during the nonprofit’s annual Celebration of Excellence Gala.

This year’s inductees include Robert Heineman, Peter and Brynn Ballard Huntsman, Steve Leakey, Dr. Joel Reed, Patti Rivela, Junior League of The Woodlands, Inc. and Entergy Texas, Inc.

The annual Celebration of Excellence Gala will take place Oct. 6 from 6 p.m.-midnight in The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel and Convention Center, located at 1601 Lake Robbins Drive, The Woodlands.

Individual tickets for the gala cost $150 and can be purchased online Aug. 1-Oct. 1. Tables and sponsorships opportunities for the event range from $1,500 to $50,000 and can be purchased online May 14-Oct. 1.

For more information of Interfaith of The woodlands and this year’s Celebration of Excellence Gala, call 281-367-1230 or click here.