The Quail Valley East neighborhood is located in Missouri City, which is part of Fort Bend County. Quail Valley East has 1,060 single-family properties. It is close to major freeways, as well as shopping and entertainment options.

Build-out year: 1975 (median)
Median square footage: 1,819
Median home value: $170,000
HOA dues: (estimated): $125 annually
Amenities: swimming pool, tennis courts
Schools (Fort Bend ISD): Lantern Lane Elementary School, Quail Valley Middle School, Elkins High School

Property taxes (in dollars):
Fort Bend County General Fund - 0.4580
Fort Bend Drainage - 0.0160
Fort Bend ISD -1.3400
City of Missouri City -0.5601
Houston Community College-Missouri City -1.1003
Total (per $100 valuation) - 3.4744