“Construction is actually scheduled to be let in October 2022,” said Skipper Jones, Pearland’s assistant director of capital projects, in reference to when contractors could bid on the project.
The scope of this project includes widening Smith Ranch from a two-lane asphalt road to a four-lane concrete curb-and-gutter road.
One of the biggest challenges the city and its designers have run into for this project is several of the right of way parcels have been tied up with legal delays, such as title conflicts, Jones said in an email.
The city of Pearland website had the bid date for the project set to begin in September, but there has been a delay in obtaining documentation due to changing property owners and disputed property lines along with deceased property owners, Jones said.
The project is expected to cost $8.61 million, but the city has $9.72 million in funding for the project, about half of which comes from the city, according to the city of Pearland. The other source of funding is transportation improvement project funds allocated by the Houston-Galveston Area Council, Jones said.
“This project experienced a long delay in some of the [Texas Department of Transportation] approvals early on, which we were able to obtain additional funding from H-GAC to cover,” Jones said.
Residents along the area can expect to see effects once the project officially breaks ground around early 2023. TxDOT takes about three months to approve and authorize a contract once a bid is accepted, Jones said. Typically, work that requires expansion is built one full side at a time, which allows traffic to remain on the existing roadway. Once one side is completed, the two-way traffic is moved to the completed section, Jones said. Construction is planned to last 12 months, according to the city.
“The ultimate improvements to both capacity and safety will be well worth the short-term inconveniences,” Jones said.
Ongoing projects: West Lea subdivision improvements
The city of Pearland continues drainage improvements along Manvel and Bailey roads, Brazoria Drainage District No. 4’s ditch and Mary’s Creek.Work includes replacing driveway culverts and widening and regrading ditches. CenterPoint Energy is moving power poles and lines in conflict with the work, and the city will begin on-site work after that is complete, Jones said.
Timeline: November 2021-March 2023
Cost: $7.18 million
Funding source: city of Pearland