Stevenson Park will be officially closed starting Jan. 18 for an estimated four weeks, according to the city of Friendswood.

Located at 1100 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, the park is being closed for the first phase of its walking trail project, according to a Jan. 18 press release. The project will be split into two phases with phase one taking about four weeks to complete and the entire project taking around four months to be completely finished.

Phase one will consist of removing the crushed gravel from the trails. During this phase, the entire park will be closed, and the park amenities and courts will be closed as a safety precaution. The playgrounds, walking trails and pavilions will also be closed, according to the city.

Phase two will consist of the concrete and rubber surfacing installation. During this phase, certain amenities and areas will be open to the public. The city will keep the public updated on what areas will be open during the project.

Once the project is complete, Stevenson Park will be equipped with a rubberized walking trail.