The city agreed, along with all other cities in the county, reallocate a portion of coronavirus relief funding to the county. Friendswood’s portion to Galveston County is roughly $280,000. Coronavirus cases in Friendswood continue rise, Kabiri said.
“In Friendswood in particular, our numbers do continue to go up,” he said.
As some city employees have contracted the coronavirus, the city will be taking precautions to ensure the safety of its employees and continue offering vital operations, Kabiri said. The city is disinfecting facilities multiple times a day and daily in high-traffic areas, Kabiri said. City employees are also required to wear personal protective equipment in shared areas. Starting July 7, the city closed its city facilities.
“I know that’s not a popular decision, but it’s something that’s necessary so we can keep our employees as healthy as much as possible,” Kabiri said.