What you need to know
Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.
An asterisk indicates incumbent.

Regan Peterson*
12-year trustee, current board president
Assistant Director, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
What are your priorities, if elected?
I will continue to advocate for students’ needs by investing in innovative course offerings including career and technical education, school safety, student social-emotional needs, teacher burn out and managing the fast growth in the district.
What changes, if any, would you like to see with the district’s budget?
Alvin ISD has continued to spend significant amounts, more than $5 [million] annually, on campus police officers and security at our campuses. We led the way before this was a mandate. I would like to see the state take responsibility for funding “unfunded mandates” and increasing the basic student allotment to…
What programming, if any, would you like to see changed, adjusted and/or added?
I would like to see financial literacy taught as a mandatory course in high school. This coupled with our current expansion of entrepreneurship offerings will help set our students and community up for future success.
What do you think can be done to help the district keep up with its growth?
The district has effectively managed growth. Bonds were called and voter approved in 2013, 2015, 2018 and 2024. These bonds met the growth demand and allowed the district to continue the mission of providing quality educational opportunities for students, while also providing a reduction in the tax rate.
What do you think the state should do to support education?
Texas boasts one of the largest economies in the world, with a [gross domestic product] exceeding $2 trillion. Despite this economic strength, public education remains chronically underfunded. The state’s per-student funding lags well below the national average, and the basic allotment has not kept pace with inflation or rising operational costs.

Brian K. Roberson II
former high school principal, special education teacher, speech and debate coach, athletics coach
educational consultant
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
What are your priorities, if elected?
As a school board trustee, I’ll prioritize student well-being, campus safety and balanced cell phone policies. Drawing from my principal experience, I’ll champion robust professional development for teachers and leaders, ensuring safe, engaging environments where students thrive academically and emotionally.
What changes, if any, would you like to see with the district’s budget?
I’d advocate for a budget that prioritizes student well-being, campus safety and instructional excellence. I’d support increased funding for mental health resources for students and staff, professional development and classroom technology while ensuring fiscal responsibility to maximize student outcomes and community impact.
What programming, if any, would you like to see changed, adjusted and/or added?
I’d advocate for expanding dual-language programs across the district to promote bilingualism and cultural awareness. Additionally, I’d prioritize increasing access to early childhood education, starting with Pre-K3 to build a strong academic foundation. Strengthening these programs will enhance student achievement and long-term success.
What do you think can be done to help the district keep up with its growth?
To keep pace with growth, AISD should actively engage with corporations and community builders as part of strategic planning. Regular collaboration will help anticipate infrastructure needs and ensure schools are prepared for the 6,000 students expected in the next decade, fostering sustainable development and academic excellence.
What do you think the state should do to support education?
The state should prioritize increasing the basic student allotment, which has been funded at $6,160 per student for the past six years. This amount is inadequate for schools facing rising instructional, transportation and child nutritional costs after the [COVID-19] pandemic and extended inflationary period.