Re-roofing projects at Pearland Junior High East and Jamison Middle School may start soon if the board of trustees approve a $3.8 million proposal at its March 11 meeting.

What’s happening?

District officials are recommending the competitive sealed proposal to be awarded to Houston-based roofing contractor Strategic Roofing Solutions, LLC, according to district agenda documents.

The district extended invitations to 255 potential proposers and received seven offers, district agenda documents note.

If approved, Pearland Junior High East’s re-roofing project will cost over $2 million, while Jamison Middle School’s project will cost nearly $1.8 million, according to district documents.

Both re-roofing projects are a part of the district’s $105 million bond that passed in 2024, district documents note.

Also on the agenda

The board of trustees will also consider auditors to perform the 2024-25 financial audit, a staff development waiver renewal and two interlocal agreements with the city of Pearland.

The first is to allow the district to use the Veterans Sports Complex, and the second is related to coordination and cooperation during large-scale emergency response and recovery operations.

Stay tuned

The board of trustees will meet at 5 p.m. March 11 at the Virgil Gant Education Support Center, located at 1928 N. Main St., Pearland.