Friendswood ISD approved several budget and tax related items, in addition to honoring Trish Hanks, who just finished her 15-year term as superintendent. Here are three takeaways from the meeting: Trish Hanks has officially retired from her position as Friendswood ISD Superintendent At the June 12, meeting the school board surprised Hanks with a painting called “Raising Friendswood,” as a gift to honor her time working with the board. The painting was created by artist and soon-to-be Friendswood ISD art teacher, McKenna Giamfortone. The board approved a salary increase for teachers, bus drivers, others The board approved a $2,500 increase to teacher salary bands, which is inclusive of the recently state-mandated increase. The increase to teacher salaries will result in an estimated cost of $1,201,810 to the district. The board also approved a $1-1.60 per hour increase for bus drivers. There were also salary increases for the positions of custodians, special education aides, professional learning committee team leaders and facilitators and all other personnel. The motion passed with six in favor and zero opposed. The board decided to waive fee for collecting the tax for the Galveston County Drainage District. The drainage district has leased roughly 6 acres of land to the school district for the past 99 years for $1. Until this point, the school district had charged a fee for collecting ad valorem taxes from the drainage district annually. According to Hanks, the fee was outdated and unnecessary, considering the generosity of the drainage district. According to The decision to waive the fee would “honor [the drainage district’s] generosity,” said Hanks. The motion passed with six in favor and zero opposed. *Editor's note: The original version of this story incorrectly stated that the board of trustees waived the tax for the Galveston County Drainage District and that the school district had leased 6 acres of land from the drainage district for $1 annually.