Following more than 90 minutes of discussion, the Pearland ISD board of trustees called for a $220 million bond referendum at its meeting Aug. 9. The bond package—which includes 35 projects—will be on the Nov. 8 ballot.
“I’m very thankful because I think the board’s decision reflects very closely the seven or eight months of work by the Long Range Planning [Community Advisory Committee],” Superintendent John Kelly said. “I do think it’s focused on needs and not wants.”
The proposed bond projects include a variety of renovations and upgrades across the district but no additional campuses. If approved by voters, the referendum will cause a maximum tax rate increase of 7 cents per year, according to officials.
The planning committee presented 36 projects for the board, which elected not to include a $24.3 million multipurpose facility for Pearland and Dawson high schools in the package.
“I felt that the discussion tonight shows how much the board wants to be transparent and argue pros and cons and not hide anything from the public,” Kelly said.