Build out year: 2003
Number of homes: 369
Square footage: 2,096 / 3,809
Home values: $150,000–$290,000
HOA dues (estimated): $650
Amenities: Tennis courts, volleyball court, playground and park area, pool, walking trail, shopping, dining
Property taxes (in dollars):
Cypress-Fairbanks ISD - 1.450000
Harris County - 0.414550
Harris County Dept. of Education - 0.006358
Harris County ESD #9 - 0.060000
Harris County Flood Control - 0.028270
Harris County Hospital Dist. - 0.170000
Lone Star College System Dist. - 0.116000
Port of Houston Auth. - 0.017160
Harris County MUD #14 - 0.660000
Total (per $100 value) - 2.922338
Data provided by Coldwell Banker United, Realtors, 281-304-5900, www.coldwellbanker.com