Conroe City Council voted against a proposed reduction in the speed limit along FM 3083, despite recommendations from the Texas Department of Transportation.

What you need to know

The proposal aimed to decrease the speed limit from its current 55 mph to 45 mph along a 0.530-mile stretch of FM 3083, extending from Loop 336 to the southeast city limits of Conroe.

The council’s decision was formed by concerns about the potential inconvenience to drivers and the lack of evidence to support the speed reduction.

The motion to reject the speed limit reduction proposal passed unanimously, and the current speed limit will remain unchanged, regardless of TxDOT’s recommendation.

Quote of note

Public Works Director Norman McGuire emphasized the sensitivity of altering speed zones and suggested that any future adjustments should be handled by state authorities, unless local circumstances come into play.

“Speed zones get really sensitive with customers that use the roadways, and that's why my recommendation is to deny it or reject it. Put that on TxDOT. It’s their roadway; it's not even ours," McGuire said.