Model airplanes, American flags and war memorabilia fill the walls of Honor Café, a diner on North Thompson Street. One wall is divided into the different U.S. military branches with photos of veterans beneath the corresponding flag. The photos are given by customers as a way to recognize and honor their loved ones, owner Chris Sadler said. Sadler, who is a Marine, said he knows the story of every veteran on his walls.

“Every one of these pictures represents an incredible life and story,” he said.

Sadler opened the diner in June for two reasons: to honor and serve veterans and their families, and to make the best food.

Sadler had never wanted to open a restaurant—he previously owned a defense contracting company—but that changed when he looked at his daughter’s school schedule. Sadler was surprised to see there were no civic or government classes, which he said are critical to understanding American values.

“That was a catalyst for me,” he said. “If you want to know the cost of being American, you can find it here on these walls.”

Heartfelt, spontaneous interactions often occur within the diner, as it is a hot spot for veterans and their families to dine, Sadler said. He recalled the time a woman approached him, asking to add her gold star flag to the wall. She was a Gold Star mother, or a mother of a member of the U.S. Armed Forces who died while engaged in combat and is entitled to display a gold star on a service flag.

When she put her flag on the wall, she wept.

“A lot of people get emotional here,” Sadler said.

As for the food, Sadler said everything is made from scratch, and there are health-conscious options. Customers can also request dishes that are not on the menu if they wish to make them healthier.

Customers who wish to shop around before or after they dine can also check out the cafe’s shop, League of the Extraordinary, which is a cross between an army and navy surplus shop, an equipment shop and a gun shop, Sadler said.

Honor Cafe

103 N. Thompson St., Conroe


Hours: Mon.-Sat. 7 a.m.-3 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.-3 p.m.