The Texas Education Agency on Aug. 15 unveiled its A-F scores for every independent school district in the state, including Clear Creek ISD. The district scored an overall 89% for a B grade, a small drop from the 2017-18 score of 92% for an A grade. You can see all the details in our Public Education Focus guide (see Page 20).
District officials said CCISD is doing well and that there is room for improvement, but they also do not give the TEA scores too much weight. According to district leadership, the TEA’s scoring system relies too much on standardized testing, which shows only a snapshot in time instead of a full picture of student performance.
Instead, CCISD officials refer to the district’s community-based accountability report, which the district has been putting together the last few school years. It includes additional data and input from residents to give the district and the public a clearer representation of overall performance, officials said.