The construction, replacement and improvement of sidewalks within West University Place city limits could begin as early as February after West U City Council members unanimously accepted a $400,000 subgrant award with the Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County and the Federal Transportation Administration at an Aug. 26 City Council meeting.

What they're saying

City Manager Assistant Austin Bishop said the program will target sidewalk repair and replacement for connections not only within METRO bus stops in the city, but also located in other areas of interest including the recreational center and senior center.

Formally titled the Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities program, an estimated total of 2,440 square yards of completed sidewalk improvements in West U will meet or exceed requirements within the Americans with Disabilities Act, according to agenda documents.

The cost

Under the grant award agreement, $500,000 funding for the total project will be shared between the city and partnering entities.
  • $400,000 from METRO and the FTA
  • $100,000 from West University Place
The timeline

West U officials completed a sidewalk condition assessment for the project area in the first quarter of 2024. An estimated summary of the project timeline includes a start date in early 2025.
  • August 2024: METRO approval
  • November 2024: Estimated bid date
  • January 2025: Estimated West U City Council award date
  • February 2025: Estimated start date