Median home value: $242,350
Homes on the market: 3*
Homes under contract: 3*
Median annual property taxes: $4,746
Median price per square foot: $160.96
Average days on the market: 12*
Build-out year: 1982
Square footage: 1,600-2,500
HOA dues (estimated): $450 annually
Schools: Falcon Pass Elementary, Space Center Intermediate, Clear Lake High School
*As of Aug. 1
Property taxes (in dollars)
Clear Creek ISD 1.266
Harris County 0.391
Harris County Flood Control District 0.031
Port of Houston Authority 0.01
Harris Health System 0.167
Harris County Department of Education 0.005
City of Houston 0.562
Clear Lake City Water Authority 0.26
Total (per $100 valuation): 2.692
Year-over-year market data: May
The number of homes sold in July was lower compared to July 2020 in ZIP codes 77059, 77062 and 77573. The median price of homes sold increased in all ZIP codes except 77059.