Clear Creek ISD’s board of trustees approved funding that totaled $970,580 for a secure vestibule project at Bay Elementary at its May 20 meeting.

The overview

Construction to install the security vestibule at Bay Elementary will begin when the school year is over, according to district officials. The last day of school for CCISD is May 31.

The contract for the security vestibule project was awarded to Generocity Services Inc. to speed up the project so it can be completed by the time school begins again in August, according to district agenda documents.

Bay Elementary is the only school at CCISD that does not have a secure vestibule, according to district officials.

A secure vestibule is a security area where visitors may enter before getting into the interior part of the building.

The bulk of the project will come from the 2023 bond, while $318,000 of the project will come from the 2017 bond, according to district documents.

Quote of note

Planning for the project recently went through challenges in regard to the layout of the secure vestibule. Despite this, district officials are ensuring that the project will be completed proficiently and in time for the 2024-25 school year.

“It’s a challenging layout the way it is right now,” said Alex Aragon, director of facility services at CCISD, at the meeting. “After diving into the project with the architects, we deemed that we had to do a lot more interior renovation work to make the floor plan work properly. We’re actually going to build out a storefront wall, basically in a new vestibule, and basically renovate the entire admin area so the flow works correctly.”