Clear Creek ISD’s board of trustees unanimously approved an extension to Superintendent Karen Engle’s contract from three years to five years at its March 26 meeting.

The gist

Last month, the board conducted Engle’s first-year superintendent performance evaluation and awarded her an overall outstanding rating, according to agenda documents.

After receiving this rating, the board further requested to extend Engle’s contract from three years to five years, board trustee Arturo Sanchez said at the meeting.

Sanchez said that a raise would typically be rewarded to the superintendent from a positive performance rating, but Engle declined a raise “due to the financial constraints facing the district,” Sanchez said.

A closer look

Engle was originally named CCISD’s superintendent at the board’s meeting in December 2022, according to district documents. Before that, Engle was named the interim superintendent, following the former Superintendent Eric Williams’ leave of absence and announcement of voluntary retirement in July 2022, as previously reported by Community Impact.

While Engle’s contract was set to end in 2025, this extension will allow Engle to remain superintendent through December 2027, Sanchez said at the meeting.

What they said

Engle referred to CCISD’s star logo as a symbol for the district’s mission for its students’ educations.

“I’m honored to extend my service here in the district,” Engle said. “I believe that the star holds that promise to empower every student to a world-class education, and that is the tool that they need to ignite their passion and fuel their endeavors.”

All board members shared their appreciation for Engle at the meeting.

“From the board and from our district, I can’t say thank you enough to Dr. Engle for everything that she’s done from her service and dedication to our students,” board trustee Jessica Cejka said at the meeting. “Every decision she makes I feel like truly is for the students.”