A Clear Creek ISD committee dedicated to safely reopening the district, members of which include medical professionals, county and local authorities, faith leaders, parents and district staff, presented their recommendations to the district’s board of trustees at a June 8 workshop.

The recommendations are separated into four charges. Each charge is further divided into action statements. Overall, the charges and action statements deal with refining the school calendar, developing academic, social and emotional learning expectations and mitigating the digital divide across CCISD.

The full text of the charges is available online. They are meant to provide practical avenues for shifting operations in light of restrictions brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, address the physical and emotional well-being of students and staff and identify necessary resources for potential blended or distance learning, according to the committee.

Superintendent Greg Smith said in May that once school resumes as normal, the effects of the pandemic will not have subsided; the trauma of the virus might mean some students are triggered by someone coughing or sneezing nearby. The district aims to help students build resilience so they are equipped to work through any difficulties, he said.

The committee was asked to consider the potential impact of the use of CCISD facilities for non-school activities as well as to identify relevant local, state or federal funding to help offset costs and to be mindful of the district’s financial position. Members developed potential options for school resumption for the 2020-2021 academic year using instruction models that consider the needs of all children and that work to foster high levels of achievement even with potential calendar disruptions.

Committee charges and guidelines were finalized at a May 11 board workshop. The committee is derived from the CCISD School Safety Committee, which was formed in 2018 following the Santa Fe High School shooting and which has adjusted committee membership to account for the current crisis, per committee charges.

Part of the committee’s work involves collecting feedback, and a public input window opened at noon June 9 through an electronic form available on the district site. The committee will host a public input meeting June 16 at 6:30 p.m. in the community room at the CCISD Challenger Columbia Stadium. Entry will be limited due to COVID-19 restrictions, and the meeting will be streamed live at www.ccisd.net.