The winners of elections in Collin, Dallas, Denton and Tarrant counties will represent the Republican and Democratic parties on ballots in the November general election.
Early voting will be available Feb. 14-20 and Feb. 22-25 at specific county locations. Voting hours and location rules differ by county and can be found online for Collin, Dallas, Denton and Tarrant counties. Voters can vote in the Republican or Democratic primary, but not both.
Those who cannot vote in person can also request an application to vote by mail. The deadline to request an application is Feb. 18. Registered voters are eligible to request and receive a mail ballot if they are unable to vote in person and meet one of the required conditions. Mail ballots are available to those who are 65 years of age or older, have a disability, or expect to give birth within three weeks before or after election day, as well as other conditions.
More information on voting by mail in Texas can be found here.
An interactive voter guide from the League of Women Voters of Texas with information about the candidates is available at This online guide was created by the nonpartisan civic nonprofit to help educate people about the many upcoming races across Texas during this election season.
A sample ballot is available on Community Impact Newspaper's 2022 Primary Election Guide webpage.