Council Member Shelby Williams has resigned from his seat on the Plano City Council and city officials are planning an election to be held in May.

What happened?

During a March 14 special-called meeting, Plano City Council members accepted Williams’ resignation and called for a special election to be held May 3. Williams will hold his seat on the council until the May 3 election, Mayor John Muns said.

The candidate elected to Place 5 will hold office until the May 2027 election when Williams’ term was slated to expire.

Williams was first elected to council in 2019 and re-elected in 2023. He currently chairs the Collin County Republican Party. In a Facebook post, Williams states his intention to run for the Precinct 4 seat on the Collin County Commissioners Court. That seat will be up for election in 2026.

“Serving as County Commissioner will allow me to continue to serve in much the same way I have for the past 6 years on city council but in a different function of government,” Williams states in the post. “I have the experience, the qualifications, and relationships to perform in this role the way you deserve, and I’m excited about the opportunity to continue to serve!”

Put in perspective

The race for Place 5 will join three other council races on the May 3 ballot. The city mayor’s office is also up for election in May though Muns, the incumbent, is running unopposed. With Williams’ resignation, the following City Council elections are expected on the May 3 ballot:
  • Place 2
  • Place 4
  • Place 5
  • Place 8
Council members are elected to four-year terms with a consecutive two-term limit, according to the city’s website.

Plano voters will also determine the results of a $647 million bond package made up of seven different propositions.

Voter registration will be open to eligible residents through April 3. Early voting starts April 22 and ends April 29. Election Day is May 3.