Here are updates on several street projects underway or recently completed in McKinney.

Ongoing projects

1. East Virginia & Throckmorton infrastructure improvements

Project: Parts of East Virginia Street, spanning from SH 5 to Murray Street, as well as Throckmorton Street, from Lamar Street to Louisiana Street, will be reconstructed. The project will also add a roundabout to the intersection of East Virginia and Throckmorton streets, adjacent to McKinney’s new city hall. The work will also include improvements to affected utility lines including water lines and sanitary sewer lines, as well as storm sewers, roadway illumination and landscaping.

Update: Paving is underway along portions of Throckmorton and East Virginia streets. Throckmorton Street is expected to reopen to traffic by the end of March, while East Virginia Street between SH 5 and Main Street is expected to remain closed. A detour is in place, directing traffic along Louisiana Street.
  • Timeline: March 2024-August 2025
  • Cost: $13.1 million
  • Funding source: city of McKinney
2. Wilmeth Road connection

Project: The project connects Wilmeth Road from Hardin Boulevard to Lake Forest Drive, with the addition of three multilane roundabouts at the road’s intersections with Lake Forest Drive, Taylor Burk Drive and Hardin Boulevard. The four-lane divided roadway will also see lighting and drainage improvements. Portions of Taylor Burk Drive and Hardin Boulevard to the north of Wilmeth Road will also be upgraded as part of the project.

Update: The roundabouts at Taylor Burk Drive and Lake Forest Drive are completed and open to traffic, as well as the pavement between the intersections. Construction work is underway in the center of the roundabout at Lake Forest Drive, with the intersection functioning as as a single-lane roundabout.
  • Timeline: March 2022-March 2025
  • Cost: $25 million
  • Funding source: city of McKinney
3. Collin McKinney Parkway connection

Project: The project includes construction of Collin McKinney Parkway as a four-lane divided roadway between Lake Forest Drive and Tina Parkway. The work also includes installation of traffic signals at two intersections along Collin McKinney Parkway including Lake Forest Drive and Hardin Boulevard, as well as roadway illumination along the entire span of the roadway.

Update: The project has been substantially completed, but some outstanding finishing work is expected to be completed prior to the opening of the roadway in late March.
  • Timeline: January 2023-March 2025
  • Cost: $16.1 million
  • Funding source: city of McKinney
Planned projects

4. Medical Center Drive expansion

Project: Medical Center Drive, a three-lane undivided roadway, will be reconstructed and widened to a four-lane divided roadway between Frisco Road and Spur 399.

Update: Design work is nearing completion and construction is slated to begin this summer.
  • Timeline: Summer 2025-summer 2026
  • Cost: $4.5 million
  • Funding source: city of McKinney
5. US 380 and Community Avenue intersection improvements

Project: The intersection of US 380 and Community Avenue will see improvement to add eastbound and westbound dual left turn lanes as well as a southbound right turn lane. The project will also include traffic signal improvements.

Update: Relocations of affected franchise utilities are underway, and roadway construction is expected to begin by late March.
  • Timeline: March 2025-December 2025.
  • Cost: $5.6 million
  • Funding source: city of McKinney, Texas Department of Transportation