Lewisville Mayor

Tiffanie Fowler
Why are you running to represent Lewisville residents as mayor?
TF: Because I believe Lewisville needs to have a citizen advocate for all the people that live here, not just for the people who sit on the boards and city council. I believe that we’re tired of being dictated and need to be represented by the people for the people.
What will you bring to this office in terms of your qualifications or perspective?
TF: There’s only so much the mayor position is allowed to do. The city manager and council make the decisions. The mayor just shows up at events and council meetings. However, as a wedding and events planning manager, I look forward to being the face of the city, representing all income brackets and backgrounds. I especially look forward to supporting the small businesses.
If elected, what would your top priorities be over the coming term?
TF: I’d love to see crime reduced and improved police and community relations, especially when it comes to civil rights and ADA laws. We have a lot of under-served citizens who need to be seen and heard. I’d also love to see less concrete jungle and more green space. Old Town especially needs to have life breathed into it every weekend! We need to stop living in fear and start living free again.

Delia Parker-Mims
Why are you running to represent Lewisville residents as mayor?
DPM: I’m running for mayor because I love Lewisville. I want to give back to the city I call my home. I have the skill set to drive the council to non-partisan decisions that serve the best interest of the city and provide policy risk management overview of our decisions. I also believe during this time an important role for the mayor has emerged, and that is of providing hope and encouragement to the residents, being visible to all members of the community, and ensuring that all communities within Lewisville feel heard and valued.
What will you bring to this office in terms of your qualifications or perspective?
DPM: As an administrative law judge, I bring experience to drive the council to non-partisan decisions that are in the best interest of the city of Lewisville. As a mediator, I have experience working with parties with opposing views and finding common ground. As an attorney I bring risk management oversight to review our policies. As a community activist, I have served the people of Lewisville and know their needs.
If elected, what would your top priorities be over the coming term?
DPM: 1) Ensure the annexation of Castle Hills does not disrupt the balance of power and/or change the policy directives of the city. Specifically consider whether moving to single-member districts voted upon through at-large elections work toward the best interest of the city in maintaining the balance of power. 2) Protect vulnerable populations from being left behind by working within our goals already established within the 2025 Vision Plan and further addressed and considered by council. 3) Help the city of Lewisville thrive by being engaged with all members of our community. 4) Drive the members of council to reach non-partisan consensus that benefit the interest of the City of Lewisville and work with each council member to help them reach their goals.

TJ Gilmore
Why are you running to represent Lewisville residents as mayor?
TG: This year marks a turning point as our current mayor retires after serving Lewisville for 30-plus years. We have many issues requiring an innovative servant with a track record of getting things done. I have served on boards and commissions for Lewisville since 2005 and on council since 2011. My experience makes me uniquely qualified to continue providing resources like funding set aside so our fire department can help vaccinate Lewisville residents. Through our recent weather event, I continued leading the community with transparent communication and action. My history is not just “sitting in meetings”- I volunteer throughout the city and with multiple groups and have effected significant changes throughout the years. Those who know me, know I have a passion for solving problems and the ability to gain consensus by listening and finding points of agreement to help move the city forward. This will be essential as the city integrates the Castle Hills community through annexation later this year.
What will you bring to this office in terms of your qualifications or perspective?
TG: Since 2004, when I began live-blogging council meetings, I have consistently improved resident connections to government. I relentlessly focus setting a strong vision, protecting property values, quality amenities, and responsive police and fire services. My investment in Lewisville includes: - Council Member 2011 - Original proponent of the Lewisville 2025 Plan - Continuing to maintain one of the lowest property tax rates in North Texas - Impacting lives through improved funding and accountability for the Denton County Mental Health & Homelessness Leadership teams - Serving on many boards and commissions; local, county, & region since 2004 - Supporting growing our parks and trails - Boy Scouts Cub Master & Committee Chair - Proud Father of three LHS Fighting Farmer graduates - Lewisville Noon Rotary member I’ve provided weekly 30-minute “Compact Council” updates for residents since 2018 and will continue to use the platform of mayor to listen and communicate resident goals, and turn those conversations into actions with the team that is our City Council.
If elected, what would your top priorities be over the coming term?
TG: My top goal will be to strengthen our neighborhoods, organizations and businesses through dialog, leadership and relationships. Communities are strongest when residents, government, business, nonprofit, and faith communities work together to create great places we call home. The mayor can facilitate that through increased communication and outreach. I will continue building bridges between all our diverse communities by being accessible and available and use the voice of the mayor to unify those communities into policy actions that the council can convert into action. We have a tremendous, once in a generation, opportunity to rework Lake Park as Lewisville’s “Great Lawn” through a contract update with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers who own the land. As mayor, I would make sure we had a strong public engagement process and advocate for the upgrade.

Timothy M. Friebel Jr.
Why are you running to represent Lewisville residents as mayor?
TF: The candidate did not respond.
What will you bring to this office in terms of your qualifications or perspective?
TF: The candidate did not respond.
If elected, what would your top priorities be over the coming term?
TF: The candidate did not respond.