The Flower Mound Senior Center will begin its phased reopening April 5 after being closed for over a year. Dates of the phases will be based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines. Seniors in Motion members and staff will be expected to abide by current CDC guidelines, including wearing masks when they are unable to socially distance at least 6 feet, according to the town of Flower Mound’s website.

The center closed March 13, 2020, Senior Center manager Jaime Jaco-Cooper said. After conducting a survey of the center’s members a month ago asking when they were ready to come back, a little over 50% said they were ready, she said. That response, along with vaccine rates among the members and relaxed statewide restrictions helped with the decision to start a reopening, she said.

Phase 1 of the reopening includes 25% capacity in all rooms, fitness classes limited to 10 people, no card or domino games, and reduced building hours from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. daily.

During Phase 1, weekly lunches will be available for drive-thru pickup every Tuesday and Thursday from noon-1 p.m at the Senior Center. The billiards room, fitness room and computer classrooms will be open by appointment only for 45 minutes, according to the website. To make an appointment, call 972-874-6110.

“How we serve seniors is to give them a community,” Jaco-Cooper said. “A lot of our members have missed our fitness classes, our art classes and even just coming and having a cup of coffee with a friend. So we’re going to be able to do most of that starting off and then hopefully phasing into getting back to our normal way of life.”