Coppell ISD officials are chipping away at a long list of construction projects approved in the May bond election with many scheduled through 2027.

CISD Chief Operations Officer Chris Trotter outlined details of the projects set for 2023-25 at a Nov. 13 board of trustees meeting.

The $321 million bond includes a mix of new construction and renovations. In addition to Valley Ranch Elementary School, which is in the cost-estimation phase between the district and Core Construction, Lakeside Elementary and Austin Elementary are also receiving major renovations starting in 2025 and 2026 respectively, according to the project schedule.

The details

Specifics include interior renovations and building repairs, weatherproofing, system installations, outdoor resurfacing, furnishing and equipment replacement, and roofing. There are three projects slated for the 2025-26 school year:
  • Lakeside Elementary renovation/addition
  • Town Center Elementary remodel
  • Coppell High School renovation
Nine more projects are scheduled for the 2026-27 school year:
  • Austin Elementary renovation/addition
  • Cottonwood Creek Elementary remodel
  • Denton Creek Elementary remodel
  • Richard J. Lee Elementary building repair
  • CHS Ninth Grade Campus renovation
  • Coppell High School roofing
  • Canyon Ranch Elementary ceiling tile replacement
  • New Tech High at Coppell site improvements
  • Victory Place site improvements
A closer look

Lakeside Elementary and Austin Elementary will receive additions to its pre-K classrooms and administration offices, new fire alarm systems, intercoms and clocks, and safety and security updates as well as interior renovations, such as new kitchen equipment and furniture replacement. The schools will also undergo weatherproofing for their brick and windows, according to project documents.

A board update meeting is scheduled for Dec. 11 which may provide additional specifics and renderings for Lakeside and Austin Elementary additions, CISD Director of Communications Amanda Simpson said in an email.

Less intensive projects beyond 2026 involve an auditorium abatement and renovation, sewer line repairs, and a parking lot replacement at CHS Ninth Grade Campus and HVAC system replacement and new carpet installation at New Tech High at Coppell.

Other projects

The project schedule also outlined ancillary buildings receiving similar updates between 2024 and 2027, which include:
  • Vonita White Administration
  • Roy C. Brock Center
  • Service Center
The district is also looking to make technological improvements across multiple campuses. Upgrades would entail replacement of student and staff classroom devices such as interactive panels and projectors. Campuses would also receive Wi-Fi improvements and audiovisual upgrades, and replacements to broadcast systems, network security, communication systems and more.

Other districtwide projects that will occur throughout the bond program include replacement and improvement of fencing, locks, student buses, service vehicles, and purchasing art and music equipment and uniforms, and library books.