Keller ISD board of trustees approved a second change order for Keller Middle School fine arts additions and renovations during the April 24 meeting. This change order totals about $1.82 million.

The background: According to Keller ISD documents, the board of trustees approved the guaranteed maximum price of the project on March 28, 2022, in the amount of about $21.38 million for the additions and renovations. Change order No. 1, which was added as a portion of the roofing insurance claim, was for about $3.01 million and was approved May 18, 2022, bringing the total price of the project to about $24.39 million. By approving this second change order, the total project price is now about $26.21 million, and funds will be reallocated from completed 2019 bond project savings.

How it happened: According to Keller ISD documents, a number of conditions have arisen requiring the district to make significant modifications included in this second change order. They include:
  • Area D: slab replacement at old fine arts wing: $392,520;
  • Areas D & E redesign: counseling suites relocation: $898,906;
  • Area G: window replacement: leaking windows at 300 wing: $291,101; and
  • All areas: ductwork replacement: $234,661.
Timeline: According to Keller ISD documents, the project was originally slated for completion in July. While certain components of the project will be completed by then, other completion dates will exceed that deadline. The slab replacement of the old fine arts wing will be delayed until August and the counseling suite relocation/renovation will be completed by January.