The Keller ISD board of trustees is moving forward with a number of 2019 bond projects this summer, including a wave of security upgrades at all district campuses.

Trustees in a special meeting June 8 approved a contract of $670,800 to improve existing security measures at entryways of KISD schools. The bond project will address security concerns at 23 district campuses this summer during the first phase of construction.

A second phase of construction will address remaining KISD schools during summer of 2021, according to KISD Planning Director Paul Hughey.

“The intention of all of these projects is to make sure we increase the safety and security of each entry vestibule,” said Lloyd Condon with VLK Architects.

Among security upgrades to campus entryways will be the implementation of self-check kiosks using the RAPTOR security system.

Contractors will also install wall- and ceiling-mounted security cameras, upgraded entry and exit doors and aluminum window shades that will replace the current vinyl coverings.

“A visitor will approach the intercom and request entrance into a vestibule,” Condon said about the process of entering a school. “If allowed entrance, they will still face a second set of locked doors and a self-performing kiosk.”

Visitors will then swipe their ID, and the RAPTOR system will do a search, Condon said.

If a visitor is granted access, a second set of secure, locking doors will open, according to Condon. However, if a visitor is denied access, they will only have the option of exiting through the first set of doors, he said.

“The lobby and reception area will have a second set of locking doors, and in the event of a security lockdown, windows can be covered,” Condon said.

The contractor for the districtwide security upgrades will be Nouveau Construction and Technology Services. Board members approved the upgrades by a 6-0 vote. Trustee Brad Schofield was not in attendance.