The details
In her recap of events at a special board meeting on March 10, Bottom said CISD representatives held 30 legislative meetings, which included sessions with members and chairs of the public education committee, as well as freshmen legislators and state senators and representatives.
“We absolutely moved the needle,” Bottom said. “Our conversations were productive and fruitful.”
Bottom said the advocates were able to share the district’s legislative agenda with the legislators they encountered, which includes the following items:
- Increasing the basic allotment, which includes an increase in teacher pay raises
- Fund underfunded mandates, specifically special education
- Recapture reform
- Principals
- Administrators
- PTO presidents
- Committee members
The visit comes after CISD unanimously approved to add an annual balanced budget requirement to the district’s set of policies during their regular meeting Dec. 16.
David Johnson, assistant superintendent for financial services for CISD, said that while he isn’t aware of any other districts in the state that have adopted an annual balanced budget policy, it makes sense to do so since the Texas student allotment is $6,160, more than $4,000 below the national average.
Bottom said district officials will keep residents updated as things move forward with regard to the district’s legislative issues during the 89th Legislature.