Carroll ISD board of trustees discussed upgrading the district’s technology Feb. 7.

Randy Stuart, CISD executive director of technology, said a device selection committee—comprising a variety of teachers, administrators and parents—-met in January to discuss computer selection. Stuart said the teacher groups favored Dell devices.

Students in seventh-12th grade currently use Dell laptops with Windows operating systems that were purchased in 2018, and trustees discussed upgrading these older devices. Stuart said each device will cost roughly $750 to replace for a total of $3 million, which is included in the district’s budget.

During the meeting, trustees discussed potentially increasing the annual device fee to offset the cost upgrading devices. The current fee is $45 per student, Stuart said, and the district will begin to survey surrounding districts and potentially establish a fee structure.

The district is looking to update devices to prepare for online State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness testing in the 2022-23 school year. House Bill 3261, enacted in June, requires state assessments to be administered online by the 2022–23 school year. The transition will require the spring 2023 STAAR to be administered through an online platform.

In addition to technology updates, trustees discussed future repair or replacement projects, including the Carroll Senior High School aquatic center roof and the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system.

Trustees did not take any action on these items during the meeting but did approve a budget amendment for the cost of a security system software. The board purchased a five-year license subscription instead of a one-year purchase.