The filing period has opened for several Frisco races residents will see on the May 4 ballot.

The races on the ballot include Frisco City Council and Frisco ISD board of trustees. Interested applicants can file now through Feb. 16.

The details

Here is a list of the City Council races:
  • Place 1
  • Place 3
John Keating currently holds Place 1, and he has filed for re-election. Anglia Pelham currently sits on the Place 3 seat, and she has also filed for re-election.

The positions are elected at-large for three-year terms, according to the city charter. Council members can serve no more than three consecutive terms.

Here are the Frisco ISD board races:
  • Place 6
  • Place 7
John Classe currently serves in the Place 6 seat, and Rene Archambault sits in the Place 7 seat. Both have announced they will not run for re-election, leaving the seats open for new board members.

Board members are elected at-large to a three-year term, according to the district.