League City City Manager John Baumgartner scored a raise during his annual performance evaluation July 9.
The League City City Council voted unanimously to give Baumgartner a 3.68% raise. Baumgartner’s new salary, effective July 9, is $220,000. His previous salary was about $212,200.
Mayor Pat Hallisey said Baumgartner met 21 of his 24 council-set goals for 2018-19, which were based on the eight critical success factors of the city’s strategic plan, including developing and maintaining infrastructure, keeping the city financially sustainable, making League City a safe and desirable community, building quality community amenities, having a committed workforce, engaging residents, promoting economic development and tourism, and having a quality-built environment.
Hallisey said the council agrees Baumgartner is doing a great job. He has reduced turnover from 30% to less than 5%, which the council attributes to good leadership. City staff have received a 3% raise, but the council gave Baumgartner a higher raise because they believe he is doing well, Hallisey said.
Some of Baumgartner’s goals for 2018-19 included getting residents more involved with city processes, such as the many community engagement meetings the city hosted leading up to the May bond election. Baumgartner also had goals to address traffic and drainage problems in the city, which led to the special election, Director of Communications and Media Relations Sarah Greer Osborne.
The council is still determining Baumgartner’s 2019-20 goals, but the preliminary goals are similar to his 2018-19 goals, Osborne said. One goal is to secure an agreement with the city of Houston to increase water to League City by 20 million to 25 million gallons per day as the city continues building out, she said.
“He’s pretty close with that, actually,” Osborne said. “That’s a big goal he’s been working on.”
Other possible goals include reducing fire department and EMS response times to emergencies, decreasing the city’s turnover rate, and increasing community engagement, she said.