Republican Robert E. Updegrove and incumbent Democrat Elaine S. Brown are both running in the race for Hays County Court at Law No. 3 in the Nov. 5 general election.

A closer look

Community Impact reached out to the two candidates who will be on the ballot for the seat.

Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

More information on what will be on the Hays County ballot in the Nov. 5 general election can be found at

Elaine S. Brown

Experience: Judge, Hays County Court at Law #3, also oversee the mental health court

Occupation: Judge, County Court at Law #3, licensed attorney for over 32 years, licensed professional counselor

Contact Information: 512-960-4477

Why are you running?

I am running for re-election to continue providing fair and equitable access to the courts and to continue my work in improving access to much needed mental health care in Hays County through the mental health court.

What is the most important issue facing residents and how would you address it?

From my perspective, the growth of Hays County has created an increased need for mental health services for its residents. I have been active in my role as the mental health court judge in educating policy makers on the need for access to mental health care services. The mental health...

If elected, how do you plan to address future growth?

The future growth of Hays County will increase the need to care for those who have mental health needs and to utilize law enforcement and the jails efficiently and effectively. The courts often serve as the catalyst for individuals to receive mental health care. The mental health court serves to...

If elected, what would be your top three priorities?

1) Providing increased access to the courts and ensuring that residents have a fair and equitable experience. 2) Continuing to educate the community stakeholders on the need for additional services to address mental health in Hays County and to improve intervention by the judicial system. 3) The creation of an Assisted...

Robert E. Updegrove

Experience: sole practitioner: criminal defense, estate planning, probate, guardianships and civil litigation.

Occupation: attorney at law

Why are you running?

There is no greater good than service to the community. I have witnessed firsthand the evolution of Hays County, Texas, from a close-knit, rural community to one of the fastest growing counties in Texas. Our community deserves a Judge that serves the people with respect, knowledge, and approachability.

What is the most important issue facing residents and how would you address it?

Timeliness: County Courts at Law should operate efficiently regardless of the cause of action presented before it. Parties should be incentivized to resolve disputes between themselves with minimal involvement of the court. Parties that cannot come to an agreement should be set for trial and their matters timely reached.

If elected, how do you plan to address future growth?

Additional Specialty Court Programs ("SCP's") are a necessity; such as DWI/DRUG Court. Persons accused of crimes are less likely to re-offend upon successful completion of SCP's. These SCP's would be designed to protect first-time offenders from criminal convictions while improving the well-being of the accused and the community.

If elected, what would be your top three priorities?

1) Increasing timeliness and efficiency in relation to the resolution of cases; 2) Creation and implementation of additional Specialty Court Programs; and 3) Ensuring consistent availability to attorneys and law enforcement officers. Protecting the community is the first priority of the court—through these measures, that goal may be achieved.